Monday 16 August 2010


Peepli Live is a bollywood movie, which has been released recently. I have seen the promos of the movie and want to catch the movie very soon. The movie is based on Indian villages and farmers. As I am located in a town/city, I am less aware of the village life.

As per me India’s real wealth lies in its villages. Since it is an agricultural country, large number of population can be found in villages. Though Indian villages have not adopted to technological and mechanical advantages, the real love and humanity lies there only.

With its unique ‘Panchayati Raj System’ the villages in India hold a distinct position from rest of the word. Modern intervention has brought a lot of changes in the Indian villages. Today, one can see lots of schools and colleges being established along with continuous electric supply and medical facilities giving way to hope and development.

But, one of the major point of concern lies in the job sector. Apart from the practice of agriculture, hardly other occupation is available in the villages. This has discouraged the youths and as a result they are seeking better opportunities in the cities and towns. Most of the leaders of India have described India as a ‘village nation’, so they should try to give the villagers the same kind of opportunities as in the cities.

Therefore, “Jai Bharat, Jai Gao”.

Best wishes to ‘Peepli Live’.

