Sunday 26 June 2011


Exams over in first week of June and vacation started. Am at my home in Kalyan, lot of time is available for rest and enjoying my holidays. Year ago, I was damn nervous before joining the hostel, as for the first time I was going to stay away from my parents and have to stay alone.

After joining the college I had a great time in hostel. I got many new friends, learned to stay alone, discipline and many good things. Life made me stronger and tougher mostly in all aspects, as it is rightly said that “Life is a best teacher.”

I will put light on college/hostel life after completing my degree, now I just spent a year in hostel and still two more years to go. Hostel life is good as well as bad, it depends on a student how he/she enjoys his/her freedom.

I am enjoying hostel life and am fortunate that I get a chance to enjoy hostel life. College will start from second week of July.

Till now had a good college/hostel life and looking forward to make it a favorite pass time or memorable years of my life.

