Sunday 13 November 2011


11 November 2011, I am in Jalgaon,  back to COET college’s hostel. I want to share one good news and one not a good news. First I like to share not a good news i.e. on 9.11.11 I was provisionally detained by our I.T. depatment for late submission of one subject.  I done submission of that subject and everything is fine and OK now.

Now to the good news and the news is that my college motivated students who won inter-college sports and played Zonal level matches by giving their names in a newspaper name “Divya Marathi” on 12.11.11. So, for the first time my name was in news-paper and I am feeling very happy and proud to read my name in newspaper atleast for the first time.

In short for the first time my name came in detained list but it is only a provisional detained list and for the first time my name came in newspaper as a motivation.

Above are the two incident happen with me on/nearby a memorable date 11.11.11.

God Bless.