Wednesday 19 August 2015


 Life is a precious gift of God. More better to say, God is seeing how we take this journey of life. God has made night and day, similarly God has also put night and day in the journey of life i.e. the good time and hard time.
Human beings have high intelligence and mind with the help of which they label the good time as blessing and bad time as adversity. God want us to be in same state of mind and deal both blessings and adversities equally. If we are attached to our blessings then that itself is a reason for our sorrow in near future, when blessings and comforts are no more in life. Similarly in hard time we should not react, be calm and peaceful because soon sun will rise and darkness of night will disappear.
God set some rules to follow as a map or guide book to take the journey of life smoothly and meaningfully, this set of rules is religion but god never labelled religion as hindu, muslim, christianity, buddhism etc.
Life is a wonderful gift by god. It’s not important how much success we achieve in this journey because success is nothing but a label, to prove oneself in the eyes of others or own. The thing matters is how you achieve that success, working towards your goal you have obeyed all rules set by God and not violated any rule. There is a judgement day for every life, where God punish or reward according to the Karmas(Deeds/Works).
Enjoy the journey of life.