Monday 20 January 2020

Citrix Cloud

I have successfully created a POC (Proof of Concepts) of Citrix Cloud for our (Organiza Tech) client. Our client is in United States (US), current production environment uses only one cloud i.e. AWS (Amazon Web Services). In POC I used a combination of 2 clouds (AWS + Citrix Cloud).

In POC AWS acts as a hypervisor which host all resources i.e. Domain Controller (DC), Application Servers and Cloud Connectors, whereas Citrix Cloud host the Citrix Components. I have also used Okta as a Single Sign-On (SSO), as Okta is used in our production environment.

Our client is upgrading to the latest technologies and leading with a competitive edge. I am fortunate to learn and get the hands-on experience of the latest Technologies in the market.

Thank You!
